Tuesday, November 25, 2008

written in Jan 2008....C.B.

Things have finally calmed down for us- that is until next week when I have to go back to school early. But for now…...

Much needed time spent cuddling, space heater and new feather comforter. It is so nice to have time together. We get so wrapped up in one another. There is no drama and nothing to do. Long drives in and out of town for nothing…we hold hands all the way. We talk about the journal that I got for Christmas. Putting on eyeliner in the rearview mirror you say: "Maybe we should write a journal together. It will be like, 7:00 wake up. You get the kids dressed while I make them oatmeal and toast. 8:00 and I drive them to school while you make coffee and take it to the bedside table. Coffee and cuddling until we fall asleep all nestled in each others arms. 11:00 we get up, take a bath together, and then drive in to Casper." All of a sudden, turning up the stereo, you lose track of the conversation. "You know I truly think that the Pretenders' song, Night in My Veins, has to be the dirtiest song ever written. I can't believe that it was played on the radio as much as it has been…. I mean the whole song is about some chic getting it from behind. Wow, she really loves it too. Listen to all of the different places that she is gettin' it." With the radio on full blast you matchChrissie Hynde's voice so well that it is hard to tell where she ends and you begin. When you are done singing you turn the radio down. "Anyway, then on a little side note in the journal we can write everything that we had for lunch. We can start with the sandwiches that we had for lunch yesterday. I would eat them all over again. I can't stop thinking of jalapenos and raspberry sauce." You grab my hand. "So," I laugh, "a whole journal dedicated to our boring lives. It sounds more like a journal dedicated to the sandwich of the day. That would be Awesome!" I rub my fingers through your hair, "But what you are really saying is that you want to go to Sanford's again for lunch today. As you wish!"

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